
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences School of Pharmacy, with more than 20 academic members (full professors, associate professors, assistant professors) and 473 students (Pharm.D, Ph.D and M.Sc students) is one of the most dynamic centers for instruction and research in western part of Iran. Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences School of Pharmacy was established in 2002 and the admission process for pharmacy students beganin 2003. So far 330 Students have graduated the PharmD program. Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences School of Pharmacy offers a flexible arrangement for undergraduate programs including four years for B.Sc. in pharmacy and six years for pharmacy doctorate (Pharm.D.). We also offer a range of postgraduate programs for students who already have a B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Sciences consisting of M.Sc. (two years duration) and PharmD (six years duration). The school chart has been organized as eight distinct departments consisting of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, Nanomedicine, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Tarditional Pharmacy all of which actively take part in both educational and research programs of the school .All departments are equipped with specialized laboratories and instrumental facilities. The school has two training pharmacies in which students are familiarized with the practical aspects and health care services provided by a Pharmacy Doctor on the scene. Students also participate in specialized clinical programs of the university training hospitals in order to be acquainted with the principles of pharmacotherapy. School of Pharmacy has developed well established collaborations with other educational and research centers including training hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and community pharmacies. The school has the potential to cover a wide range of pharmaceutical related research experiments, such as drug design & synthesis, in vitro& in vivo pharmacology & toxicology tests, designing different drug delivery formulations, pharmacokinetic studies and performing clinical trials on drugs.

Address : Shahid Shiroodi Blv, Daneshgah St, Parstar  Blv,  School of Pharmacy Kermanshah, Iran
Tel : +9883-34276489, 083-34266780
Fax : +9883-34276493
Postal code: 6714415153
E-mail : fac_pharmacy@kums.ac.ir

Last Update : Sep 12, 2021 12:27